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Boston Children’s Hospital

Boston Children’s Hospital

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We're starting the New Year with a lot of paws-itivity! Our team of therapy dogs makes our patients' stays more comfortable and friendly. We're thankful for all the dogs who spread joy at the hospital and for our friends NutriSource Pet Foods who provide generous support for our Pawprints program. ... See MoreSee Less

Meet Ellie! ✨ She’s been coming to our Center for Advanced Intestinal Rehabilitation (CAIR) for short bowel syndrome since she was a baby — her family even relocated to be closer to her care team. Check out how she’s doing now at age 18! 👉 ... See MoreSee Less

Meet Ellie! ✨ She’s been coming to our Center for Advanced Intestinal Rehabilitation (CAIR) for short bowel syndrome since she was a baby — her family even relocated to be closer to her care team. Check out how she’s doing now at age 18! 👉 attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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Yay Skidmore!

Please help me I need you are help 🙏

When you donate this holiday season, kids like Syncere get more time. And TODAY is your last chance to get a 5X match on your gift—that’s 5 times the impact. Thanks to you, Syncere got more time for games and more time to be a kid. THANK YOU for all you do for the patients in our care.
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When you donate this holiday season, kids like Syncere get more time. And TODAY is your last chance to get a 5X match on your gift—that’s 5 times the impact. Thanks to you, Syncere got more time for games and more time to be a kid. THANK YOU for all you do for the patients in our care.

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Ohhh Syncie!!!!

Buenas noches, disculpen la molestia de volver a escribir por esta vía para un asunto personal, pero lo hago porque me informaron que el Dr.Joseph Gonzalez-Heidrych, primo al que busco desde hace mucho tiempo, dirige esa clínica, no tengo ningún otro dato al que escribir, por favor espero sean tan amables de ayudar o mínimo responder,mi número es +5363156198 y el de mi hija es+5358461707, gracias de antemano y feliz año nuevo

When you donate, kids get more time. And today, your donation goes 5 times as far—your $50 gift becomes $250. Your $100 gift becomes $500. Your generosity has a ripple effect and our patients get something more precious than any dollar amount: more time to be kids. ... See MoreSee Less

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Buenas noches, disculpen la molestia de escribir por esta vía por un asunto personal, pero necesito localizar a el Dr. Joseph Gonzalez-Heidrych ,me dijeron que dirige esa clínica, yo soy su prima, Yolette Cabrera García - Cuervo, si alguien pudiera hacer el favor de al menos responder, mi teléfono es+5363156198, el de mi hija:+5358461707, agradecería cualquier tipo de ayuda, espero tengan un Feliz fin de año y próspero 2025

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who made the 13th Annual Anthony Louis Ciampi Memorial Fund Comedy Night a success! 🎤 A special thanks to all the incredible performers, attendees and organizers who brought so much laughter and generosity to the night. Your contributions are truly making a difference! Learn how you can fundraise and support an area of the hospital you’re passionate about: ... See MoreSee Less

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who made the 13th Annual Anthony Louis Ciampi Memorial Fund Comedy Night a success! 🎤 A special thanks to all the incredible performers, attendees and organizers who brought so much laughter and generosity to the night. Your contributions are truly making a difference! Learn how you can fundraise and support an area of the hospital you’re passionate about:

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Merry Christmas ⛄🎁🎄⛄🎄 o

Buenas noches y feliz Navidad, espero me disculpen por una vez más molestar para un asunto personal, pero necesito localizar al Dr. Joseph Gonzalez-Heydrich, que es primo de mi mamá Yolette Cabrera García-Cuervo, mi mamá quisiera localizarlo, nos dijeron que dirige esa clínica, nuestros contactos son: +53 63156198,+5358461707 , espero el niño Jesús nos de suerte y alguien responda esta vez, gracias

Buenas, pido disculpas de antemano por usar esta vía para un asunto personal no médico, pero necesito contactar con el Dr. Joseph Gonzalez-Heidrych, me dijeron que dirige esa clínica, yo soy su prima que no lo veo desde la infancia, por favor si alguien me ayudara ,mi # es +5363156198, si no me pueden ayudar al menos denme una respuesta aunque sea negativa para buscar otra forma de localizarlo, por favor.

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